Tele-health for Therapy
What is tele-health?
Tele-health is when we use a live online platform (Google Meet) that is HIPAA compliant & secure for your privacy. This is similar to Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype. We will send you and email link to your session.
What about my privacy?
This is a big question, especially because you may be in your own home full of family members or you live with roommates or even alone. Privacy is taken seriously. On our end, we have set up spaces in our own homes or in the office that are away from house mates - though pets may wonder in; we general use headphones as a way to keep your information from being heard. On your end, you can find a quiet area of your home, go out to your car or take a walk in your neighborhood. Use headphones and please let your clinician know if you feel that you don't feel safe talking about issues in your home or office.
What will I need?
You can use a smart phone, iPad/tablet, or computer with a camera. If you are using a tablet or phone you may need/find it easier to download the Google Meet app. You will receive an invitation link via email, which will have a meeting code - this meeting code is linked to your session. If you do not have a device for audio & visual capabilities, we can also have a session via a phone call.
What is this going to cost?
We are in-network with BCBS - CareFirst of Maryland; Aetna; and Cigna. We will also bill if you have an out of network plan. Your benefits will be checked prior to your initial session. Normally clients owe their typical co-pay or deductible, this depends on the plan. If you are worried about the fees or costs this can be address with your clinician prior to beginning services.
Can this tele-therapy really help?
Studies from 2017, by NIH, show that tele-health can work, historically behavioral health - aka mental health services and substance abuse services have been a bit behind the times. Often access to services, such as transportation, childcare, or time from work pose barriers to seeking counseling. You can read some of the research for yourself here. Being isolated, feeling alone while with others, being stuck in your circumstances, being cooped up, and managing emotions that come along with living during a pandemic can be supported by our providers.
Our clients are:
Stressed OUT! A lot of people are - you are not alone!
Feeling isolated and lonely - down - Depressed
Parenting & co-parenting - Overwhelmed
Dealing with a lot of CHANGES
Having anxious thoughts or emotions about the what if's of these uncertain times
First responders, Front-line health care providers, Essential workers, and fellow Therapists
Still have questions?
Let us answer them.
Tel: 443-470-9297 ext. 100 or 1-800-496-2556